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National Links


Federation of Holistic Therapists

The Federation seeks to support, advance and protect the character, status and interests of complementary, beauty and sports therapists. We aim to establish and maintain high standards of treatment by holistic therapists for the benefit and protection of the public.



London School of Reflexology

The London School of Reflexology is one of the UK’s most established schools. It has a reputation of teaching Reflexology with an emphasis on the holistic approach to health so you can understand the causes as well as symptoms of disease. You will learn about diet, lifestyle and nutrition and the impact these all have on improving or damaging your health.



Dance Voice

Marie Ware, the director of Dance Voice has pioneered Dance Movement Therapy in the South West of England. The centre is well resourced with a variety of therapeutic equipment, and an extensive library of books, articles and mixed-media learning materials. The organisation is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. Its income is mostly generated by fees, and with grants for specific community projects. Dance Voice also has links with the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK (ADMP UK) which is the regulatory body of professional practice of Dance Movement Therapy in the UK. We respond to requests for information about Dance Movement Therapy practice and training. We have developed a professional MA/Postgraduate Diploma in Dance Movement Therapy.


Local Links


Cassandra Eve – Astrologer, and Retreat facilitator

Based in West Cornwall, Cassandra offers one to one chart readings and facilitates regular workshops and retreats.