Frequently Asked Questions


1. Are there any contraindications to having reflexology?


– If the client has a foot or ankle injury or infection – although in this case hand reflexology can be practised in place of the feet.

– If the client has a fever

– If the client has DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

– Also the first trimester of pregnancy is considered a time of caution – especially if there is a high risk of miscarriage. After the first 13 weeks it is thought to be perfectly safe and beneficial to mother and developing child.


2. What does a typical reflexology session involve?


The session starts with a brief discussion about your current health and wellbeing, also any past health problems that may be significant. You then make yourself comfortable and I begin the treatment. The treatment usually lasts between 45minutes and an hour depending upon individual requirements. The feeling should be one of deep relaxation and some people fall asleep during a session. There are sometimes ‘sore’ points on the feet or hands this can be due to congestion or a blockage, this can be worked on and released.

Once the session comes to a close there is time to have a brief discussion about how you felt during the session and any other comments that you feel you may want to contribute. Most people find the sessions extremely pleasant, relaxing and effective for their particular health needs.


3. How may the treatment affect me?


Because reflexology has a detoxing affect upon the body you may experience a slight headache or feel lethargic and sleepy within the first 24 hours of having a session, also you may feel emotional. Drinking plenty of water is advisable after a session to help the body flush out any toxins, also rest where possible. Many people comment that they sleep very well after a session and feel relaxed and a sense of well being. Some comment that they feel extremely energised and full of life!


4. How many treatments are advisable?


At least 3 once weekly treatments is advisable to gain the most from reflexology to begin with. Sometimes you may need more treatments to really boost the body’s natural ability to heal. Some people incorporate reflexology into a health/lifestyle plan and have it on a regular basis – e.g. once a month. This can be to help manage an ongoing health condition or purely as a relaxation aid to help keep stress levels down.


5. How is reflexology thought to affect the body?


The term ‘reflex’ in the context of reflexology means ‘reflection’ or ‘mirror image’. The reflexes of the feet (hands, ears and face) are thought to mirror the organs and systems of the body, and by applying pressure to these reflex points they are stimulated having an effect on the rest of the body.

The feet are full of nerve endings – over 7,000 in each foot! These nerve endings and reflexes are stimulated by the practise of reflexology, which is believed to help release the body’s happy chemicals called endorphins, this brings about a sense of relaxation and wellbeing.

The circulation is also stimulated by this method helping to bring about a level of detoxification within the body.

On a metaphysical level, reflexology is thought to help shift energy blockages within the body, and to activate the body’s own natural healing capabilities.

It is a wonderful therapy for releasing stress and detoxifying the body.


6. What conditions can reflexology help?


Reflexology is a powerful technique helping to detoxify, balance and relax the body, so it can be helpful for numerous conditions, especially stress.

The nervous system and circulation are stimulated through the practise of Reflexology helping to balance the different glandular systems helping to bring about a state of ‘homeostasis’, a term used for the body’s own internal balancing act.

Some common ailments Reflexology is thought to help:

Stress & tension related conditions


Joint pain & back pain


Helps improve quality of sleep

Stimulates endorphins – so helpful for anxiety & mild depression

See above for contraindications to Reflexology.